Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you have a question about PT. Prospecta Garmindo, our products and services, request for samples, or any kind of questions, please email us.

Address :


Jalan  Raya Kingkang RT 3 RW 11 Kingkang, Wonosari, Kab. Klaten

Phone :

Office & Factory :

Phone : (+62) 271 626 822
Whatsapp : (+62) 81226112264

Or if you want to know the company in more detail, you can download our company profile :

Factory & Office : 

PT. Prospecta Garmindo 

Address : Jalan  Raya Kingkang RT 3 RW 11 Kingkang, Wonosari, Kab. Klaten

Phone : (+62) 271 626 822

Whatsapp : (+62) 81226112264

Email :